Why You need Videos For Your products

Written By: Sully Rahal and Sean Kernerman
5 minute read

It’s clear that product videos can help increase sales, reduce returns, and create an emotional connection with customers. But if you need more convincing, check out this post as we explain why your brand needs to start creating product videos today!

In This Blog:

  • Product Videos Can Increase Sales

  • Product Videos Can Demonstrate Value & Reduce Returns

  • Product Videos Create A Connection

  • Your Brand’s Competition Is Using Video

  • Create Product Videos To help Sell More Products

  • Conclusion

Product Videos Can Increase Sales

Video marketing is a proven strategy. If you're not using video to help grow your business, you're missing out on sales opportunities and potential customers. And if you have products for sale, then it's worth considering adding product videos to your marketing mix.

  • Videos are cost-effective. In fact, video marketing is the most cost-effective way to get in front of customers online! Think about it: compared with Facebook ads and other forms of digital advertising (like Google Ads), videos are more memorable and can generate higher engagement rates from customers who view them.

  • Product videos increase sales. According to research from HubSpot, 93% of consumers say that product videos help them make buying decisions. That's because they feel like they know more about what they're buying when they watch a product video than when they read an article or look at an image alone.

  • Video marketing builds trust with customers - this means that once you've created some great content around your products (which should include a few different types of visuals as well as text), people will feel confident buying directly through your site because they know exactly what it looks like before making their purchase decision."


Product Videos Demonstrate Value & Reduce Returns

The good news: product videos can help customers better understand the features and benefits of a product. The bad news: they've got to be high quality, engaging, and well-edited in order to do so. For example, let's say you want to demonstrate how easy it is for customers to use your new smartphone keyboard cover (which you'd sell for $20). In this case your video should clearly show off its waterproof sealant, its etched keys that allow for fast typing without fingerprints or smudges on the screen, and its portability—all without skipping over important information or being boring.

But what if you're selling a more expensive item? Can product videos still help? Absolutely! For example if you're trying to advertise a toolbelt ($400) or drill ($200), then don't focus on just one feature—showcase all of them! How else would someone know that these tools can save him time at work? Or even better yet: create an entire series about how this particular toolbelt has helped dozens of other people perform their job faster than ever before--and then point out which features make those results possible!

Product Videos Create a Connection

Product videos can help you create a connection with your audience, which is important for building trust and increasing conversions.

Product videos are useful for showing your product in action, explaining its features, or giving instructions on how to use it. They also give people the opportunity to see and hear about what you have to offer before they buy it—making them more likely to buy from you than from another company.


Your Brand’s Competition is Using Video

Imagine this scenario: you’re on the hunt for a new pair of running shoes, so naturally you go to Amazon. You find a pair that looks promising and click on the image to learn more. The product description is well-written, but there’s no video demonstrating how it fits your foot or how it feels going through different paces around town.

You move on and find another pair of shoes with great reviews, but they don’t have any videos either! Disappointed by these two results, you head to another brand that does have product demos—and lo and behold: It turns out these are exactly what you were looking for in a shoe!

This experience is pretty common; most people these days are accustomed to seeing videos as part of their online shopping experience. In fact, according to Business Insider Intelligence data from late 2018 about consumer shopping habits during the holiday season (the busiest time for online retailing). 74% of consumers said they would prefer watching an ad video over reading text and 63% said they preferred watching an ad video because “I saw something interesting/entertaining that I wanted more information about right away."

product videos to help sell your products

When it comes to selling your products online, videos are an excellent marketing tool. They can help you to improve sales by up to 80% and reduce returns by up to 50%. That's because customers trust what they see more than what they read — especially when a product has been demonstrated in a video.

If you're not creating product videos for your ecommerce store yet, now is the time! If you already have some but don't think they're working as well as they could be, here are some best practices for making better ones:


These are just a few of the benefits that come from creating product videos. There are many others to consider as well. Ultimately, the decision is up to you but we strongly encourage you to do it!


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