Why Every Business Needs Video Content

Written By: Sully Rahal and Sean Kernerman
5 minute read

Video content is a huge part of the modern web, but not all businesses are taking advantage. A recent study showed that 72% of small businesses have no video content at all on their site, which means that they're missing out on potential customers and sales. Video is an amazing way to connect with your audience in a personal level, and it's also one of the most effective ways to establish your brand as an industry leader. If you're wondering why your company or business needs to utilize video content, here are four reasons why every business should embrace the power of video:

Video is the most effective way to gain loyal followers.

  • It’s the most effective way to get your message out.

  • It reaches more people than any other form of content, including text and images.

  • It allows you to reach people that wouldn’t otherwise be interested in what you have to say.

Video content can be a great way to show off your company culture.

An effective video is a simple way to show off your company's personality.

You want to show the world that you are a fun and inviting place to work. You don't want potential clients wondering if their needs will be handled by people who are dodgy and boring. You want them to know that people are smiling when they come in for a meeting or call on the phone, and that your people love their jobs and what they do.

As mentioned above, this can also be achieved via written content (like blogs) but video content is especially effective because it allows viewers to see what we mean with our words and actions—and it gives them more options when it comes time for them make decisions about company matter(s).

Video content can help you grow your business.

Why? Because customers are more likely to buy from you if they trust and believe in your brand, and video content can help build that trust and belief. Video content also helps build your authority in a specific field by adding credibility to what it is that you do—and it gives real-life examples of how things work. Finally, video content builds reputation for businesses through its ability to reach new customers as well as existing ones (through email marketing campaigns, social media marketing, word of mouth, etc).

Make high-quality video content a key part of your marketing strategy.

There are plenty of reasons why you should be using video content in your marketing strategy. Video content is an effective way to reach your audience, whether they're looking for information on your product or service, or simply want to engage with your brand on a more personal level. It also helps build trust between you and potential customers, as well as grow your business by increasing traffic to your website and converting viewers into leads.

Video can help you show people what's behind the curtain at your company—why this place exists and why it matters so much that you all work hard every day.

But perhaps best of all: video content will give people an opportunity to get to know the real person behind the emails from the salesman they’ve recently been talking to.

in Conclusion

We hope that this article has convinced you to start creating video content for your company. It’s a powerful tool that can help you grow your audience, show off your company culture, and reach new customers. We know it can be daunting to think about making videos, but don’t worry! There are many great tools out there that make filming easy and fun. And if all else fails? Just remember that having fun is what counts most; keep smiling as you record those silly faces or ridiculous dances—they might just become one of the most watched moments on social media!


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