What Is The Best Way To Increase Web Traffic?

Written By: Sully Rahal and Sean Kernerman
8 - 10 minute read

If you’re looking for ways to increase web traffic, you’ve come to the right place. There are many things you can do to boost your site's traffic—from creating great content and using social media to promote it, to finding other blogs and websites where you can write a guest post. But one of the best methods is simply optimizing your content and making sure it contains all the keywords people search for online so that they can find your website when they search for those terms.

In This Blog:

  • Creating Good Content Is Your Priority

  • Use Social Media To Drive Traffic

  • Find Other Blogs and Websites You Can Write A Guest Post For

  • Keep Posts Updated With New Information And Dates

  • Use Video To Tell Your Story

  • Syndicate Your Content On LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, And More!

  • Optimize Your Website For Search Engines

  • Optimize Your Content With Keywords

  • Conclusion

Creating great content is Your Priority

The first thing you should do is create great content. Content is the foundation of your website, and it will be what people see first. It’s what gets them to click on your links and share your digital media with others. The more engaging, interesting, and useful the content on your site is, the more likely they are to come back again in the future.

Did you know that 46% of marketers say creating great content is the most important factor when it comes to generating traffic? In fact, if you want to increase web traffic, then creating high quality digital media should always be one of your top priorities for each new post or article that gets published online!

Use social media to Drive traffic

Social media is a great way to promote your content, especially if you're looking to drive traffic to your site. The best way to do this is by leveraging hashtags and sharing photos that showcase your products or services. Try to share content as often as possible!

Building a loyal following on social media doesn't happen overnight—it takes time and dedication! But once you've built up an audience of people who are interested in what you have to say, it will be easier for them to find the content that they want on their own time—and maybe even interact with it by leaving comments or reposting it themselves.

Social media can also be used as a tool for customer service. While many businesses have official pages where they respond directly via message or tweet, others prefer more informal communication methods. This can include messaging services like Facebook chatbots, Instagram Direct Messages, and other services that allow customers access 24/7 without having to schedule an appointment with someone first like they would have done back when this technology wasn’t around.

Find other blogs and websites you can write a guest post for

Guest posting is a great way to increase your web traffic, because it allows you to reach new audiences and spread the word about your experience. It's also a good way for other people in your niche to discover your content and hopefully follow through to your website.

Find places where you can guest post by doing simple searches on Google or Facebook groups related to your topic area. You're looking for blogs that have a similar readership size as yours (100+ readers/day), but aren't too large (1 million+ reader visits). Bigger blogs are often managed by dedicated departments and can be difficult to be featured on without a reputable following.

When pitching articles, make sure they are relevant and helpful to their readership - not just something that would appeal only right now, but would also be valuable later on down the line when someone might want help with that subject matter again! Also make sure there's no paywall blocking anyone from reading it once published!

Keep posts updated with new information and dates

One of the best ways to increase web traffic and to keep readers coming back is by keeping your posts updated with new information. You don't want to change the main purpose or focus of an article, but you can add in new information that would be relevant today. For example, if you wrote about how much traffic a certain website gets from various search engines, you can add in more recent data if it changes over time. Or maybe if you wrote about a news event happening this week, make sure that post stays relevant and up-to-date with any updates or breaking news stories related to it—even if they're not necessarily directly related!

To help people get a sense of timeliness, include dates wherever possible so readers know when the information was last updated.

Use video to tell your story

Video is a great way to tell your story and show off your products or services. Visual media can inform and educate your audience about something, whether it's how to use it, what it does, or why they should care about it.

Video also has the ability to get people interested in what you have to offer them by showing them how cool or useful your product or service can be.


Syndicate your content on LinkedIn, Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, and more!

You can grow your content reach by repurposing it on different social media platforms. This means that you can post the same content on different apps and websites, which helps you get more engagement and reach. If you want to be successful in this method, make sure that you promote your content on each platform as much as possible. You should also use hashtags and images/videos to get more people interested in what you're sharing.

Optimize your website for search engines

Optimizing your website for search engines is a great way to increase web traffic. This means that you need to use keywords in the page title, image file name, description, body of the page, and URL.

For example, if your site sells sports equipment then you should use keywords like “sports equipment” in all of those places. You could also include words like “basketball shoes” or “baseball bat” to attract people searching for those specific items on Google.

Optimize your content with keywords

Optimizing your content with keywords can be a difficult task, but it can also have a huge impact on your website's traffic. You should always use the right keywords in your articles and blog posts to ensure that they are easily found by search engines like Google.

If you want to optimize your content using keywords, there are several things you need to understand:

  • Keyword research is a process that helps identify which words people use when searching for products or services on Google. If a user uses these words while searching for something, then they might be interested in reading about it on your site!

  • It takes time and research in order to find out what people are actually looking for online. It's important that this information is accurate before optimizing any kind of webpage, so there aren't any mistakes made down the road when trying different strategies.


There are many different ways to increase traffic to your website. It’s important not only to create great content but also to share it with the right people online. You can do this by using social media like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram; writing guest posts for other blogs or websites; finding opportunities for advertising on their site (such as banner ads); optimizing your site for Google search engine indexing; and even creating videos that are relevant to what you want people to see when they visit your site.

These techniques will help spread word about what makes your brand unique, and gives potential customers an idea of what products would benefit them most from purchasing from you instead of someone else!


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